KISS MY DUBS: A very simple concept with a very sick pay-off…
Dave Columbo invites very well respected artists to have a little chat on Zoom and show off some unreleased gems from the future.
No deep and meaningfuls in this series, just pure, high grade dubbage that you’ll only hear in the artist’s DJ sets… If you’re lucky!
First up: Sl8r!
This remarkable Manny murker has been slaying for several years now, most notably on the mighty V Recordings but also labels such as Five Alley, 31 and Space Cadet.
Known for switching up the tempos and flavours, Sl8r is just as happy sweeting you up with soul as he is hammering you with pure junglist grit. This wide range and love for all styles makes him the perfect artist to launch this series.
So pucker up and party down as Sl8r teases us with pure futurism. Hell, we get into such a vibe he even rolls out a bonus track at the end which is so fresh we can pretty much guarantee you’ve never heard it (unless your name is Metrodome or Motiv, then you most definitely have!)
Intrigued? Press play!
Support Sl8r: Facebook > Instagram > Bandcamp > Soundcloud
Sl8r – Electronic Wickedness / Gutter is out April 7