5 Ways To Beat The Winter Blues

Key tips on dancing away that moody January sensation.

Photography courtesy of @louishas.lenseuk


Have you been missing festival season and getting lethargic because next summer feels so far away? You aren’t the only one, there are actually many studies that show instances of depression and anxiety rising during the winter months. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a form of depression that comes and goes seasonally, it is sometimes referred to as ‘winter depression’.

Symptoms of SAD follow that of traditional depression: low mood, increased irritability, difficulty concentrating etc. As we are coming to the end of January we’re just passing the bump of the shortest days of the year with minimal sunlight and little to no heat. For live music fans, there’s a sense of post-festival blues as the idea of being on a field grooving under the blazing sun with close friends seems impossibly far away.

But there’s always a bright side, festivals are already releasing their 2025 lineups and the brunt of the cold weather is nearly at its end. If you’re still feeling down then you may be experiencing some winter blues. Although SAD is a diagnosed disorder, many people do feel some form of low mood during the winter months. According to Sky News, anywhere between 0.5% to 2.5% of the UK population suffer from diagnosed SAD, but around 1 in 15 people experience some form of undiagnosed winter blues. With that in mind, here are 5 ways to beat those winter blues:


Support Your Local Clubs

It has been widely reported that the club scene is a dying one with venue closures increasing throughout the UK post-Covid. The culture is changing and there are many venues in dire need of support, in 2023 125 grassroots music venues were closed throughout the year (Save Our Scene UK). It is now more important than ever to support your local venues, you will benefit from a needed night out during times of miserable weather, and helping to keep your favourite venues afloat. Dancing is medically proven to release loads of hormones such as serotonin and dopamine, as well as endorphins which are natural painkillers! If you are feeling bummed out this winter, pining for the return of festival season, why not have a boogie at your local club to remind you of those summer nights? And if you can’t find the night you’re looking for, why not find a small venue and organise your own!


Get Some Sunlight

Sunlight is one of the most beneficial natural remedies for those suffering from SAD. Vitamin D is derived from sunlight, it is what keeps our muscles healthy and without it many will feel lethargic and feeble. This is why in the winter a lot of people feel more tired and lazier than they do in the summer.

According to Gov.UK, 1 in 6 adults in the UK have vitamin D levels lower than government recommendations. Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency also include a weakened immune system, low mood and bone pain. Between March and September most humans will get all the vitamin D we need from the sunlight, however this isn’t enough during October to February. If you are lucky enough to live somewhere the sun hasn’t yet set when you finish work, then a stroll in the sun can do wonders for your mental health. And if you’re feeling like you may be struggling from vitamin D deficiency, you can also find vitamin D in foods such as: egg yolks, oily fish, and red meat- as well as vitamin D supplements. Referencing the NHS, government advice is that everyone should be taking a vitamin D supplement during the winter months, no matter their diet or whether they eat meat or not, because in the UK we are simply not getting enough sunlight.

Here’s how vitamin D deficient we can be in the UK… In a recent interview on this site Australian artist Sistym explains how she felt tired and jet-lagged during her entire two week stay in the UK last year. Then she realised it was because she hadn’t a spec of sunshine for her whole trip. Something she wasn’t used to in Australia!

You aren’t the only one missing the sun, artist Lakeway is missing it so much that he’s made an album called ‘I’ve Missed The Sun’ that we’re releasing on March 20th. 



Exercise, as well as dancing, is another amazing way to increase the happy hormones in the body! In addition to benefitting your physical health, adding a little bit of any form of exercise to your weekly routine can also be great for improving mental health. Not only is it the physical act of working out, but it’s having something to look forward to during the week. Maybe you can try a physical hobby you’ve always wanted to do, or you’re just looking for somewhere to socialise, tired of the mundanity in only frequenting work and home? It’s also simple to incorporate music into your workout routine, put that drum n bass playlist on whilst you’re on your run, hit a Zumba class, or a DJ-led spin class! If you can’t imagine working out without your essential Vitamin 174 then maybe have a look into Libby Bawden’s HIIT The Floor classes that bring the festival vibes to your workout. Renown for hosting exercise classes at Let It Roll, Libby fuses your favourite beats with a workout in a unique and powerful way. She also has online classes up on YouTube, so you can enjoy her workouts from the comfort of your cosy room.

Essentially, if you start incorporating exercise into your life, you likely won’t regret it for a whole litany of reasons!


Look Out For Your Friends

The winter months can be an incredibly hard time for many and for some it goes beyond the simple moody weather blues. SAD is a serious condition and if you know anyone who struggles this time of year it is important to look out for them. The National Library of Medicine published a study that concluded there is a 65% overlap between loneliness and depression. Although, you should also make time to hang out with your friends even if they aren’t struggling, it is actually incredibly good for your health to spend time with those you love. Laughter increases dopamine and endorphin levels in the body. Cooking meals or enjoying food with friends and family is another fun activity that produces all the happy hormones in the brain!



Find A Winter Festival Or Rave 

If the club nights are no longer hitting the same spot as the summer festival scene did, find a festival to go to!  Some mainstream D&B festivals going on this winter are Let It Roll, Prague 14th + 15th February, Rampage, Belgium 21st + 22nd February and Liquicity, Amsterdam 8th March.  If you’re more interested in a staycation, Hospitality Weekender 2025 will be taking place at Butlins, Bognor Regis from Friday 31st January to Sunday 2nd February. The Hospitality lineup includes some huge artists such as Wilkinson, Flava D and Mozey. There are less festivals in the winter due to the predicament of weather, if you’re unable to get away for a festival weekend this winter then the free party community are always charmingly hospitable- and for them the festival season never ends. Albeit we can’t help you find them, free parties can be a great way to engage with your local community and feel less alone during the colder months.

Make sure to take care of yourself this winter, listen to what your body needs, and if you can- dance those winter blues away!

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