Melinki’s Four Corners imprint cracks open a fresh bottle of new-gen energy to kick off 2025 and they’re spraying it all over the gaff like an F1 racer on roids.
Following its launch this time last year, the label’s flagship new talent series Roots hits its second volume. And once again, it’s a powerful jolt of newness as we’re introduced to multiple artists on one VA EP across two parts.
Part one dropped this week. Its featured artists are Dreadnaught, MAG and of course the focus of this interview and premiere – Skulder & Mully!
Sounds like a duo, actually an individual: Skulder & Mully is Berlin based, he’s previously released on labels such as Off Licence and Heavy Sonics and he co-runs the label Stoic Music. He makes twisted beats like Lurker, one of two cuts he showcases on the Roots release. Chow down and get to know…
Lurker eh? When was the last time you lurked? Tell us everything about this lurking experience.
To be honest it’s been a while haha. Lurker is a reference to my days of late night trouble causing with the homies, catching tags, drinking and running around the streets till all hours.
Tell us more!
My vision was to make something dark and dangerous. The kind of tune that to me gives a vibe of lurking in the darkness. I wrote it over a week last year and gave the dub a few plays at my gigs and knew it was a proper “Lurker”
Yes! This is your first release with Four Corners, right? What’s your connection with Melinki?
Yes it is. It’s quite a milestone for me personally as I am a big fan of the label. As for my connection to Melinki personally, I actually just had a batch of dubs in my folder and wrote him to see if he was interested in signing any of the tunes. The timing was just right as he was putting together the V.A. and the planets aligned.
Ah nice. This is part of his new rising talent series Roots. How do you feel about the whole concept?
It’s a really great concept I haven’t seen before, having every artist have two songs on the release definitely gives a better introduction to each person’s sound. Also, I love the idea of bringing new artists to label this way.
We do a lot of spotlight on the new generation of artists currently shaking up the scene. You’re very much part of this movement as an artist and as a label owner. How do you feel about the new generation’s energy and influence on the music?
It’s great to see so many people keeping the music we all love alive and well. I’m seeing a lot of passion and dedication to the sounds, as well as some very interesting and innovative style choices.
How about in Berlin? Has the new wave of producers and sounds in drum & bass made an impression or had an influence on the city’s scene or parties?
I have definitely seen a shift over the last couple of years, as for a long time neuro was king. To be honest that was one of the goals of Stoic Music to give some of the new sounds a place to grow. Some of my personal favourite people bringing up the new sounds in Berlin are Initia & Senchai.
Sick I’ll check them out. Let’s find out about yourself… Tell us everything about your own musical journey!
I grew up playing instruments and playing in bands. I have always been a fan of punk, metal, math rock, and hip-hop. I got my first turntable ( yes singular) at 13 for Christmas to learn to scratch. At 15 I went to my first rave and walked into the dark side room with jungle netting, people spitting flows on the mic, breakdancing, and this massive sound coming from the speakers that gave me all my favourite elements from hip-hop and metal. I was 100% sold at this point.
Yeah I come from a similar melting pot! I’ve got ask about your name, too… I think I referred to you as a duo when we first played a Skulder&Mully tune on Vision soz! Where does the name come from? (Besides X Files ofc)
I have always associated D&B with a kind of outer space future vibe, and I liked how Dom & Roland was one person with two names. So it came together in this line of thinking.
Vibes. Tell me your thoughts on aliens and Extra Terrestrial life. Gotta be something out there, right?
I hope so, I want to meet some aliens and play them some DNB. I bet they vibe hard on it.
Hahah. I hope so. Tell me about Stoic Music. Been loving some of the releases. You’ve got a very focused dark and minimal sound
Thanks G, yes my good mate Anton Quazi approached me to start a label with him as we are both into the dark and minimal sounds. We spent a year coming up with the concept, meeting artists, finding the right local artist for the visual aspects of the label and have been true to the vison ever since. With him being a DJ at one of Berlin’s best D&B clubs and myself a producer I feel we are able to bring together an amazing vibe for the label.
Do you practice Stoicism yourself?
In ways yes, I do believe in accepting the situation in front of me and moving forward on a less emotional level.
What’s coming up next for Stoic?
We have a bunch of great releases lined up from our core artists as well as welcoming some new faces to the label. We will also continue our label night series with four parties in 2025 and some special surprises in store.
Sick. What’s coming up next for you?
Just keeping on the grind playing gigs, making lots tunes, getting them on labels that I personally rate and growing myself as a producer.
Where shall we go and lurk next?
If your ever in Berlin or I’m in UK I’m definitely up for grabbing some beers, twisting something up and catching some messy tags mate.