When a new year begins, new targets are set for the majority of labels, artists, collectives or brands regardless of size and stature. A mitosis of goals are born from the achievements of the previous year, each with the same fundamental characteristics and growth is achieved.
Phase Records, already a tour de force label within the ever expanding drum & bass ecosystem, have started 2025 with a huge statement. Friday saw the much anticipated release of Mitosis LP, and it’s been unleashed with lashings of authority. So much authority, it’s already reached top 5 in the Beatport release charts.
Mitosis by simple scientific definition is a subdivision of parent cells to form daughter cells, put even more simpler, growth. This remix LP epitomises this in every way, as some of Phase’s most recognisable tracks over their short but definitive tenure have received the remix treatment from some notable names.
The lead track of the LP, T>I’s remix of Mutation by one of Phase’ fiercest acolytes, Ominous, was released Friday 10 January and climbed the Beatport charts quicker than you can say Mitosis. The compilation also features remixes by the likes of Sweetpea, Dub Elements, Enta, Notequal, Waeys and Vici to name just a few.
Behind the driving seat for the project is somebody who needs little introduction, Phase Records founder and first lady, Gifta. Assisted by her pit crew of phenomenally talented team, you can be sure that Phase will very much be looking to set a track record in terms of output for the year ahead.
In the chat below, Gifta dissects the logistics behind a large project, we find out about some of the remixers, we learn about the Phase Records sound, a competition winner with a remix worthy of it’s place among some of the scene’s stalwarts, and much more.
Safety goggles should be worn throughout this one, Mitosis has arrived, Phase Records are in the building, read on below as 2025’s first monumental experiment has just boiled over…
I know how much of a massive project this has been for you. How does it feel now it’s ready to be unleashed?
I feel I’m in two minds, I’m really excited and nervous. But on the other side of it, I almost don’t feel entirely present in the moment because I’m just looking for the next thing that we’re going to be doing. We’ve already started work on the next one, we’ve got two remixes ready for that. But I am still very proud, I’m very honoured, I’m so happy for all of the residents and all my people that have got remixes done by some of their idols. That’s a very lovely feeling.
Love that! So why a remix LP?
I think it felt like the right moment for something like this, it’s been curated for a year and a half, so when we started thinking about this we were only into 6 months of releasing music. I knew it would take a long time to get right, I knew that the big names would have other deadlines that were more imminent so to have it being released when it is, that’s an added bonus. I don’t know if it was necessarily a reason for a remix LP. I think the next one and what we’re trying to do there feels more like, who do we want to remix our tunes? It feels a bit more centered about doing it for us.
Phase Records is known for it’s diverse sounds, but still keeping within those heavy realms. How did this LP work logistically?
In my opinion, there’s something in it for everybody. Our label is broad within a very specific kind of mood, we know the Phase sound but maybe others don’t. With this VA logistically, the first thing to think about was, who would like to be involved? Then from my perspective, thinking about what tune did I see this artist putting a spin on? What did I think would be interesting to see from them? I sent the remixers 4 or 5 tunes over to have a look at, they took their pick of the bunch and there was a bit of back and forth. I was always getting the WIPs and giving a little bit of direction. T>I’s one was actually really interesting, what he originally sent me and what is now the finished product is vastly different. I think the T>I remix is almost quite different to his usual sound, we’re seeing him being stretched and trying something a little bit new, which I think is really cool. It’s been a great process overall and I feel lucky that we’ve been able to do this.
You’re quite particular when it comes to the Phase sound, how important is that?
It’s got to feel right, you need to do everything with conviction when it comes to your label which can be nerve wracking. Some producers like Dapreme or Xyde for example, are miles ahead of most people that I know, it can be quite difficult sometimes saying this isn’t quite right, or I would prefer if you tried this, or I’m not sure about the snare. That can be slightly challenging but I think there’s a mutual understanding of creative integrity and getting things right, when that is understood on all sides then it doesn’t matter. If the first WIP that you get sent over is bang on, be honest and say it. If it’s way off, you’ve got to say it. If it’s almost there, let’s work together, let’s get it right. I think it’s easy to get precious over your art and I totally understand that, I think there can always be a compromise. I think we have a responsibility when someone asks us for feedback to deliver it good and clear. Do it in a way that I think is centered around the artist and their progression, I want them to improve, I want them to get better. As the sound of Phase Records develops, there’s stuff that we’ve been sent, which maybe two years ago, we would have accepted, but now I’m turning around and I’m saying, actually, this isn’t quite right. I’m forming incredibly close and good relationships with those producers, any label develops and grows because the music does. We didn’t come this far just to come this far. I feel like every single person at Phase Records feels that right now, we’re all dedicated to each other’s growth as individuals, and what we can do together as a team. It’s very special.
Let’s talk about some of the artists you’ve had involved on this project. There’s some fierce names involved right?
T>I, somebody who is a very huge inspiration for me as a DJ and as a producer. I love his uniqueness, that’s a real oh my god moment to have him release on Phase. Dub Elements, literal legends, that is absolutely mind-boggling to just speak to them, let alone working with them and dealing with them. Sweetpea’s always been super encouraging and I really support her and her growth. That’s felt like a bit of a team thing between me and her to have her on, which has been really nice. Waeys is somebody who’s come on leaps and bounds since around lockdown. He will in my opinion, go down as a drum & bass legend. Enta, one of the first big artists to play my music and tell me that he loved my production which was a starstruck moment for me. Everybody that we’ve worked with on this has been an absolute pleasure. The Notequal boys, Teej, Exile, Vici, Phentix, Trex, Invert Era and Genic. All artists have been amazing to work with, it’s been such a humbling experience. I’ve heard lots of people say don’t meet your idols, in this case, I’ve had nothing but incredible experiences.
There’s one particular remix I’d like to bring up, you put one of your tunes up for a remix competition where the winner would feature on this project. Can you tell us about that?
I’ve seen this being done a few times, I felt there was a chance to give someone an opportunity. I felt that Power, by myself, Eve Vispera and Vasco Xyde was a very good tune for that. I think any tune with vocals offers a little bit more potential for remixing. It’s an incredibly versatile tune, we could get loads of different styles and artists who would not necessarily make something in our Phase style normally involved. I didn’t want it to just be one winner and they get on the album, so we decided third place would win an hours A&R meeting with me discussing some of their music. That went to Kenna who’s a young producer from Bristol, it ended up being a very extensive chat. We will be working with Kenna quite a bit so expect to see him on Phase in the next year or two. Albees got second so that was a free download, that will come out maybe a week or two after the remix album gets released. Portrait from Manchester who was the winner, that was the one that we all just collectively agreed on as soon as we heard it. Everything about it was just spot on, we loved the spin on it, we loved the DLR Sofa Sound vibe he put on it and the mix down was great. I’m a big advocate of second drop variation and he absolutely nailed it with this. I know he’s really excited to be on this album and this remix fits right in there amongst the others.
So this is going to be kicking off 2025 with a bang for you, starting as you mean to go on?
Absolutely yes, we are opening the year with a big statement!
This is us, this is Phase Records, watch this space kind of statement?
Do you know what, as much as I’m confident and I believe in my team, they’d all tell you that Gabs is so stressed about not improving and kind of flatlining. So as much as yes, it is a statement, I’m also a bit like, have I shot myself in the foot? Is anything else the rest of the year going to impress people the same way? But you can’t pull your hair out over art that is subjective. I am so thankful for everything that I’ve been able to do within drum & bass that if that is as high or as big as it goes, I love the music enough that it doesn’t matter. Any part that I get to play in D&B, any part Phase gets to play is fine, we’ll keep working.
You didn’t come this far just to come this far! Exciting times ahead, speaking of which, what else have you got in store?
I’m very excited and honoured to be the home label of MIYAMORO’s debut EP. In my opinion she is one of the most talented individuals I’ve ever met and I think she will go down as an all-time great. We have a collaborative EP with myself and Dapreme featuring Ekstatic and Diligent Fingers which I’m really excited about. We’ve got some real good, interesting and sexy neurofunk coming from Transforma, we’ve got some beefy rollers from Parallel and Hexa. Vispera’s debut EP, our first ever all MC project and we will have the final Perspective VA. In the summer we will be rebranding, regrouping and thinking about the next theme for the VAs. There’s so much to come!
Let’s fast forward a few years, where would you like to see Phase Records further down the line?
It’s really hard to say because I feel like a big reason why everything has worked out is because I haven’t had expectations. I see everyone who is part of Phase still being a regular part of everything, hopefully we’ll be continuing to release good music that people like. We will continue to be diverse, work with diverse people and maybe taking on people to mentor in a production or a label management capacity. Forging more good relationships and having more idols working along with us.
Phase Records: Soundcloud > Instagram