Hello : Fireworks Factory 

Bangers galore… Please get to know our Mixmas DJ comp winner!

Bringing our best year so far to an explosive finale, we present our last mix and interview 2024: Fireworks Factory

Rocketing over the finish line in a really exciting contest – of which you lot set the levels ridiculously high – Fireworks Factory (real name Max) had a mix that lit every box we asked for…


✔️ He told us a story

✔️ He took us to places we didn’t expect to go

✔️ He blasted us away with his creativity


Don’t take our word for it, spark up this banger blend yourself… 



Keep it playing as we connect with the Bristol-based man behind the bangs and find out more about what makes him fizz. Turns out he’s been producing for 13 years and is developing an exciting, unique and dynamic sound that’s rooted in D&B but looks out far beyond the genre’s limitations to create some really illuminating fusions. 

In summary, we think he has potential to blow-up. Lame puns over, let’s get serious…

Congratulations! Do you enter DJ comps on the regular?

This is actually the first one. I knew about 1 More Thing through one of your team – Lauren Louisha who I met Boomtown. I started following and then saw the competition and I loved that it said all genres allowed, creativity encouraged. That made me feel like I could be myself as a DJ. I’ve been preparing a mix from the last couple of shows I did and felt I had something ready to go so I went for it. 

That’s awesome to hear about the competition brief and that you felt like you could be yourself as a DJ. So is this close to a Fireworks Factory experience if people see you in a club?

Pretty much, though I’ll switch it up depending on the event. This mix was a little more freeform because there wasn’t a set vibe I was going for, but I’m learning that people tend to respond pretty well to me just following my instincts instead of trying to preempt what the crowd or promoter wants me to play. And if something doesn’t work out, then you can always switch it back in the next tune.

Yeah that’s true. You can tie yourself up in knots with expectations can’t you? 

Yeah, for sure.

Have you had many DJ experiences so far?

There’s been a few so far. Back when I lived in London I played at a few open decks and raves, and since I moved to Bristol I’ve got involved with events like Full Spectrum which has been really fun. But yeah probably less than I would like right now.

I think it’s really hard at the moment. Especially in a city like Bristol where many people move there for the music.

You’re right but that makes it good too because there’s a lot of people there on that same vibe, there’s always going to be opportunities and a crowd there for it.

True! And a proper culture for it.

Exactly and I knew it would take time for me to settle in and integrate myself. 

Did you move to Bristol for the music? Or for studies or work or life?

Mainly the music I guess. I just got bored of living in London. Bristol has most everything I wanted from London but not as big and more affordable. There’s a nice community here, I’m glad I moved. 

Sick! What do you look for in a DJ?

I always love to hear variety and I love hearing a DJ who is prepared to make some bold moves. It’s easy to get caught up in what you expect people to like and then building your entire set to match those expectations. But sometimes it’s the wildcard moves that make a set special. That’s something I really get from a group like Two Shell

Absolutely! That’s what it’s all about! 

Yeah I reckon so. Obviously the set needs to be cohesive enough to make sense and create a vibe. But I don’t have the attention span for sets that do the same thing from start to finish. Usually at a club I’m moving between rooms pretty often trying to take in lots of different things.


Yeah I think the same applies to events too. I love events which are built around more of an ethos than a specific sound, you can still create a strong vibe while encouraging variety

Totally. That’s how communities build. And on those nights, it’s not just the DJ who takes you on a journey, it’s the whole event. 

Yeah totally.

Your mix takes us on a journey. There’s one mix with this really kinda cute sounding vocal tune which you roll out with Break’s remix of Hard Noize! 

Oh that’s the Caro tune. It’s called 4ever1.  

That was the mix that sealed the deal for me. I love the contrast there.

That’s one thing I try and go for in my mixes. There are a lot of genres that fit in that 170 tempo range but from a completely different scene. Like the Caro tune, that’s a kinda bedroom, hyperpop vibe and the drums aren’t particularly loud so it can be mixed really well with drum & bass. So with this, the idea was to  take something very sweet sounding and put it with a big heavy tune that a lot of people know, scooped out the mids of the Dillinja track and it blends really well. I love those type of mixes and want to make them part of my signature a lot more. 

Yeah I love them too. Tell us about your productions. There’s a particular track of yours in the mix – Rainbow – which I’m really feeling. How long have you been producing for? 

I’ve been producing for quite a long time. About 13 years. 

Woah longer than I expected.

A lot of that was spent in the creative wilderness. I made some stuff I was proud of but there was just as much time where I wasn’t really sure what I was going for. I started making drum & bass around halfway through that journey.



What type of vibes were you making prior to this?

I guess more of an electronic indie pop vibe. I recorded a lot of my own vocals, which is something I’ve just got back into recently. I felt like I had developed enough of a sound that I didn’t want to lose. So it was a case of, ‘How do I do what I’ve been doing up to this point but make it more drum & bass?’ There was something about D&B that hit different and I really wanted that in my own music, but it took a while for me to figure out how to blend those things together.

The best things take time. You’ve had one release out so far, right?

That’s right. Heat Mirage on Overclockin. I’ve got a few more that are almost finished now and I’ll be starting to look for a home for them in the new year. 

Rainbow is on your Soundcloud. It feels finished to me. What extra work do you feel it needs?

It’s pretty much there. The vocals make things more complicated, they always do but yeah I am happy with that track. I don’t know where that one’s gonna end up yet but definitely something that’s on my mind.



It’s interesting that D&B came into your world  a little later into your production journey. When and how did that happen? 

I got into it when I was 20 at a few festivals and events. I just had this feeling like ‘this is something I’ve got to learn how to make.’ It’s not like I’d never heard D&B before but that was the point where it clicked. I met a bunch of new friends through it and they introduced me to a lot of that stuff. It changed what I wanted from my own music.

An epiphany!

Yeah I guess it was!

Was that a technical nerdy epiphany about the complexity of the productions? Or more of an energy-based epiphany that’s more inspired by the vibe?

It was definitely an energy thing. Instinctively. That’s what I felt in my heart. But I think I was drawn to the nerdy side of things as well. That definitely appeals to me as a producer and learning how to do that has been super inspiring. Super challenging too, but definitely inspiring and a journey I’m enjoying. 

I’m enjoying your name! Have you always operated as Fireworks Factory?

Oh long before drum & bass! It’s been the only alias for as long as I can remember. I originally got the name from a Spyro level I played as a kid, but it also sums up how I feel about making dance music. The fireworks are the final product, but unlike a genre like punk where that energy comes directly from the people playing it, there’s a lot of technical finessing behind the scenes to get the music to that level. That’s the factory part.

Oh cool. Brilliant analogy!

A lot of my earlier stuff was inspired by music from old games. I like the idea of creating something that’s suggestive of a place, even better if that place is unreal or dreamlike in some way. That was the original idea but I think it’s stayed relevant.


And it’s even more relevant now as a name. Would you like to share any of your plans and hopes for the new year? 

Release more tunes for one. I feel like I’ve got quite a big backlog and sometimes I get frustrated about that. There’s something about the tunes I make that’s very visual to me and I want to work on building up more of a visual identity as well. I’d love to get some more shows and will keep putting myself out there more. 

Well you’re playing at a 1 More Thing show at some next year! You are the Mixmas winner so let’s sign out with your thoughts on inspiring and influential DJs… 

Sherelle’s someone I’m definitely inspired by. I love how she brought back this sound of old-style jungle and footwork that not many bigger DJs were playing at the time, and suddenly she’s a big name in both DnB and techno circles because her sets are so banging. It’s a great story of fuck-you success, like instead of changing your sound to fit the scene, be yourself and make the scene fit you.

I also love a DJ like Pinks who I’ve seen play Unorthodox a few times. Her sets are really dirty but also bring in a nice range of vibes, they just end up carrying so much personality and I love that.

I saw Kings of the Rollers a few years back and loved them for a lot of the same reasons, but also that synergy between the three of them and the way you can tell they were having fun. I loved how they played things that were consistently banging but also kept me on my toes

Sick. Love their vibe. A lot to be said for mixing with friends and that competitive vibe and the ability to flip things. 

For sure, I think that kind of boldness goes underappreciated sometimes. I think it’s great to see more DJs embracing it though, and it’s definitely something I’m going for.

Go for Fireworks Factory: Soundcloud & Instagram

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